Research on Route Pre-caching Based on Content Type Awareness

Muhammad Awais Javeed1 and Jiang Xingfang2*


In order to improve cache hit efficiency and reduce network response delay in Vehicular Named Data Networking (VNDN) environment, a routing strategy based on content type awareness and a collaborative content pre-caching strategy based on content popularity prediction for probabilistic caching were proposed. Firstly, an appropriate route-forwarding strategy is selected according to the message characteristics and whether the destination node is known. Then, unsupervised learning topic model Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) is used to dynamically predict the request preference of vehicle users. Secondly, the topological relationship between different devices in the Internet of vehicles and the predicted vehicle user preferences are used to accurately and effectively predict the popularity of content, so as to reduce the redundancy of content files cached by network devices and maximize the cache hit ratio. Simulation results show that compared with other content caching strategies, this content pre-caching strategy can effectively improve cache performance.


vehicle named data network; content perception; content popularity prediction; the cache

Cite This Article

Javeed, M. A., Xingfang, J. (2022). Research on Route Pre-caching Based on Content Type Awareness. International Journal of Scientific Advances (IJSCIA), Volume 3| Issue 3: May-Jun 2022, Pages 482-488, URL:

Volume 3 | Issue 3: May-Jun 2022 


ISSN: 2708-7972


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (International) Licence.(CC BY-NC 4.0).

