Use of Rainwater in a Hydroponic Greenhouse

José Luis Hernández Corona1, Jonny Carmona Reyes2* and Noe Cervantes SanLuis1


The increase in population in the world is currently generating needs for basic resources such as food and even liquids, resulting in a shortage of food that affects families, likewise, hydroponics as an alternative way to produce food with greater profitability and a lower use of land, water and energy, since the rainy seasons have constantly undergone changes, which have affected the natural growth of crops giving a smaller amount of this which generates losses, for this reason a greenhouse is being implemented (hydroponic) since they are more profitable and easier to control, which makes it an alternative to combat food shortages. To contextualize in the following paragraphs, an alternative method will be shown that allows the collection of rainwater that is used to harvest plants without the need for land through a closed system of 100% use. The system has a recollection of water by galvanized sheet roof capturing rainwater and storing it in 3 tanks with a capacity of 20L. They are connected in series which will replenish a 150L capacity tub containing tilapia fish. The tilapia´s waste will allow the vegetables to be nourished by means of a pump. It is proposed to use a hydroponic greenhouse, to grow vegetables and use the waste of the wall as fertilizer since the physical and chemical factors of the water du0072ing the activities of hydroponics and recirculation aquaculture, mainly in relation to the amounts of macronutrients, is undoubtedly the accumulation of nutrients dissolved in the water and helps in the cultivation of tomatoes, lettuce, slices, and cilantro, thus reducing water consumption and contamination of the land.


hydroponics; aquaculture; greenhouses

Cite This Article

Corona, J. L. H., Reyes, J. C., SanLuis, N. C. (2022). Use of Rainwater in a Hydroponic Greenhouse. International Journal of Scientific Advances (IJSCIA), Volume 3| Issue 6: Nov-Dec 2022, Pages 847-851, URL:

Volume 3 | Issue 6: Nov-Dec 2022 


ISSN: 2708-7972


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