Globalization in Egypt in Historical Context: “Globalization, Transnational Mobilities, and the Local in Ancient Egypt”

Hamed Abdelreheem Ead


The historical beginnings of globalization are still being debated. Though many experts believe globalization began in the modern period, others believe it has a lengthy history. Globalization is as old as humanity. Since the dawn of recorded history, major characters such as emperors, explorers, traders, and preachers have traveled in an attempt to grow their political authority, better their standard of living, convert their beliefs, or simply satisfy human curiosity. They traded four major ingredients through varied contacts, experiences, and collisions: people, thoughts, money, and resources. This paper aims to describe the historical process of development and demonstrate that globalization is not a new phenomenon, but rather as old as civilization itself. With each material, scientific, and technological advancement, the velocity of change increased, causing globalization to spread to new and distant locations. This article, which is part of a series named “Globalization in Egypt in a Historical Context”(1-6), discusses globalization in ancient Egypt. Globalization has existed in Old Egypt since the establishment of economic relations between it and the ancient near world, when commercialized urban centers were predominantly oriented around the axis of Egyptian culture, as well as a wide range from Egypt to cities such as Alexandria, Athens, and others. During that time, trade was common, and the concept of cosmopolitan culture evolved for the first time. Egypt, with its lengthy and complicated population history, provides an ideal location for studying population movements. This article investigates key shifts in global relations beginning in 3000 CE and identifies the major turning moments that hastened the progress of globalization inside ancient Egypt.

“The river of history may flow and cut different channels, but it has an uncanny tendency to flow back upon itself”

Richard White


globalization; ancient Egypt; ancient Egyptian mobilitis; commerce exchange; archaeology; foreign policy implications

Cite This Article

Hamed, A. E. (2022). Globalization in Egypt in Historical Context: “Globalization, Transnational Mobilities, and the Local in Ancient Egypt”. International Journal of Scientific Advances (IJSCIA), Volume 3| Issue 6: Nov-Dec 2022, Pages 852-857, URL:

Volume 3 | Issue 6: Nov-Dec 2022 


ISSN: 2708-7972


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