Photographing the Past, Diffracting Advanced Energy, and Advanced Energy Applied to MHD

Anthony Maccini


I outline in this paper 4 experiments. The 1st experiment is exploiting the nature of advanced waves, which were first detected by Bajlo in 2017, that converge from infinity to a point on an antenna (absorber) with the possibility that the advanced waves may carry information from objects in the past (because the advanced waves are incoming waves from the past, which Bajlo regards as outgoing waves into the past). That if the waves carry information, one might be able to detect an image from the past. The 2nd experiment considers diffracting advanced waves or particles in a tunneling barrier. The 3rd experiment considers the combination of Takaaki Musha Honda’s experiment, of weight reduction by sending electrical AC/DC, pluses into a capacitor with my experiment of sending advanced waves into the capacitor on the possibility that the mass shift of the capacitor is shifted into the past, and applying this to the hull of MHD craft. The 4th experiment, or consideration, of Feynman’s disk paradox, of generating angular momentum from a static electrical field.


advanced waves; diffraction experiment; MHD; tunneling; electromagnetic fields.

Cite This Article

Maccini, A. (2023). Photographing the Past, Diffracting Advanced Energy, and Advanced Energy Applied to MHD. International Journal of Scientific Advances (IJSCIA), Volume 4| Issue 4: Jul-Aug 2023, Pages 515-522, URL:

Volume 4 | Issue 4: Jul-Aug 2023


ISSN: 2708-7972


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