The Role of Squalene in the Prevention of Atherosclerosis
through its LDL-Reducing Effects: A Review

 I Putu Edra Putra Indrawan


Introduction: Atherosclerosis is the most common cause of mortality and morbidity in the world. Various efforts to prevent atherosclerosis, one of which is squalene supplementation. This review will discuss the role of squalene in preventing atherosclerosis through its effect on reducing LDL levels. Discussion: Squalene can prevent the formation of atherosclerotic plaques through the mechanism of suppressing the expression of the CD36 ox-LDL receptor on the surface of monocytes and macrophages, thereby reducing the uptake of ox-LDL without causing cytotoxicity. In addition, squalene also provides an antiproliferative effect on macrophages and monocytes resulting in a decrease in the formation of atherosclerosis. Conclusion: In theory, administration of Squalene can prevent atherosclerosis by reducing total cholesterol, LDL, triglycerides, and increasing HDL levels.


Atherosclerosis; LDL; squalene

Cite This Article

Indrawan, I. P. E. P. (2023). The Role of Squalene in the Prevention of Atherosclerosis through its LDL-Reducing Effects: A Review. International Journal of Scientific Advances (IJSCIA), Volume 4| Issue 4: Jul-Aug 2023, Pages 568-570, URL:

Volume 4 | Issue 4: Jul-Aug 2023


ISSN: 2708-7972


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