Design of A Conical Solar Still (CSS) And Evaluation of Its Performance in Basra-Iraq

Ahmed J. Mohammed


In this research conical Solar Still (CSS) (with a circular basin) has been constructed and their performance has been evaluated under different atmospheric circumstances of Basra city (Iraq) (Latitude 30° 33′ 56.55″N, Longitude 47° 45′ 5.86″E). The conical solar still consists of a basin area of (0.0314 m2). This small measurement has been adopted in the size (0.25 m) for the size of the conical glass cover and the difficulty of obtaining the larger measurement, this measurement of the conical cover is considered as the largest size for manufacturing obtained in Basra-Iraq. The maximum experimental efficiency of the experimental still varies from (58%) for the conical solar still.


water; saline water; solar still; conical solar still; desalination

Cite This Article

Mohammed, A. J. (2023). Design of A Conical Solar Still (CSS) And Evaluation of Its Performance in Basra-Iraq. International Journal of Scientific Advances (IJSCIA), Volume 4| Issue 4: Jul-Aug 2023, Pages 655-658, URL:

Volume 4 | Issue 4: Jul-Aug 2023


ISSN: 2708-7972


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