Processes of Social Self-Comparison in Pupils with Disabilities and The Belief of Self-Efficacy

Meli Ignace Caroline* & Peter Ngwa


This research aims to examine the relationship between the processes of social comparison of the self and the belief in self-efficacy in pupils with disabilities. This research is part of a social cognitive approach and is based on the theoretical foundations of Festinger (1954) and Bandura (2006) with the theory of social comparison and the theory of belief in self-efficacy. Data was collected in two phases. The qualitative survey consisted of in-depth individual interviews with 06 pupils with disabilities using accidental sampling techniques. The second phase was made possible by using a questionnaire as a data collection tool. The questionnaire was administered to a sample of 214 participants selected using quota sampling methods. The participants were students with disabilities regularly enrolled at CNRPH Emile Léger, PROMHANDICAM and CJARC. The research hypotheses were confirmed. This confirms the existence of a link between the processes of social self-comparison in pupils with disabilities and the belief in self-efficacy.


process; social comparison; self-belief; self-efficacy; disabled student

Cite This Article

Caroline, M. I., Ngwa, P. (2024). Processes of Social Self-Comparison in Pupils with Disabilities and The Belief of Self-Efficacy. International Journal of Scientific Advances (IJSCIA), Volume 5| Issue 3: May-Jun 2024, Pages 457-466, URL:

Volume 5 | Issue 3: May-Jun 2024


ISSN: 2708-7972


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