The Relationship Between Age and Gender with Ferguson Angle in Low Back Pain Patients: A Retrospective Study
Siti Maryam Wahab1, Widiana Ferriastuti2,3*, Lukas Widhiyanto4,5, Hanik Badriyah Hidayati6,7
Background: Low back pain (LBP) is defined as a global musculoskeletal problem, considered to have a high risk of disability years. LBP is more likely to affect older populations and women. Lumbar spine X-ray is the most widely used lower back examination as it produces clear images of the vertebral structure. One that has become the gold standard is measuring the Ferguson angle in lateral projection on lumbar spine X-rays. Measuring the angle in the lumbosacral is one of the determining parameters in evaluating the possible causes of LBP, one of which uses the Ferguson technique. Objective: To decide the relationship between age and gender with Ferguson angle in LBP patients at Dr. Soetomo General Hospital in January-December 2023. Method: This study is an observational analytical research conducted using a retrospective approach. Results: Overall a total of 164 samples met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Most LBP sufferers were in the late adult age group (46-65 years), with a total of 74 patients (45.1%), and women predominating at 117 patients (71.3%). Spearman’s analysis showed a very weak, insignificant correlation between age and Ferguson angle (r = 0.042, p = 0.567). Chi-square analysis found no significant relationship between gender and Ferguson angle (p > 0.05).
relationship; age; gender; Ferguson angle; low back pain; Dr. Soetomo General Hospital.
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Wahab, S. M., Ferriastuti, W., Widhiyanto, L., Hidayati, H. B. (2024). The Relationship Between Age and Gender with Ferguson Angle in Low Back Pain Patients: A Retrospective Study. International Journal of Scientific Advances (IJSCIA), Volume 5| Issue 6: Nov-Dec 2024, Pages 1623-1628, URL:
Volume 5 | Issue 6: Nov – Dec 2024