Student Online Activities and their impact on Self driven Learning and Motivation among Students in Public Secondary Schools in Bungoma County, Kenya

Kato Masika Erastus


The objective of this study was to establish student online activities and their impact on learning motivation among public secondary school students in Bungoma County, Kenya. The target population was 600 respondents in 71 schools. The sample size was 234 student respondents selected from 19 schools.  Tools used for data collection were questionnaire and interview guide. Descriptive statistics such as frequencies and percentages were used. The study’s findings revealed that student online activities had insignificant impact on learning motivation to enhance student self-driven learning. The study’s recommendations were: availing of adequate tools to learners and emphasis on use of digital technologies such as tablets and mobile phones by school authorities. Internet services were necessary to allow learners connect with experts on global perspective in such a dispensation as this one.


online activities; motivation; self-driven learning; student centred learning

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Erastus, K. M. (2021). Student Online Activities and their impact on Self driven Learning and Motivation among Students in Public Secondary Schools in Bungoma County, Kenya. International Journal of Scientific Advances (IJSCIA), Volume 2| Issue 4: Jul-Aug 2021, Pages 526-535 , URL:

Volume 2 | Issue 4: Jul-Aug 2021