Complication of Hollow Organ Perforation after Radical Nephrectomy in Wilms Tumor: A Case Report

Helmy Fahada1, Fransiska Kusumawidagdo2


The most frequent kidney cancer in children is Wilms tumor, often known as nephroblastoma. The prevalence is low and only representing for approximately 7% of all childhood cancers. The most standard treatment for this tumor is surgery. Complications from surgical care occurred in patients with Wilms tumor who had a radical nephrectomy. Intestinal blockage, hemorrhage, infection, and vascular injury are the most common surgical consequences. The purpose of this case report is to describe the incidence of perforation of hollow organs after radical nephrectomy in the case of Wilms tumor in a child aged 2 years and 6 months after neoadjuvant chemotherapy, who later developed generalized peritonitis due to ileal anastomoses leakage.


Wilms tumor; radical nephrectomy; complication; hollow organ perforation

Cite This Article

Fahada, H., Kusumawidagdo, F. (2022). Complication of Hollow Organ Perforation after Radical Nephrectomy in Wilms Tumor: A Case Report. International Journal of Scientific Advances (IJSCIA), Volume 3| Issue 1: Jan-Feb 2022, Pages 133-137, URL:

Volume 3 | Issue 1: Jan-Feb 2022 


ISSN: 2708-7972


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