Analysis of Work Fatigue in Preventing Work Accidents: A Case Study of Human Comfort Pulse Rate in Wood Processing Industry Workers

Analysis of Work Fatigue in Preventing Work Accidents: A Case Study of Human Comfort Pulse Rate in Wood Processing Industry Workers Sajiyo1*, Siti Mundari1, Afrigh Fajar Rosyidiin1, Ratna Hartayu1, Moch. Isabil Liwaq2, Davin Danny Ivander2, and Kumoro Asto Lenggono3 Abstract Work fatigue in workers in companies can trigger work accidents,

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Profile of Placenta Accreta Spectrum in Dr. Soetomo General Hospital Between 2017-2021

Profile of Placenta Accreta Spectrum in Dr. Soetomo General Hospital Between 2017-2021 Cheria Valentina1,2*, Grace Ariani1,2 , and Rozi Aditya Aryananda3 Abstract Background: Placenta accreta spectrum is the cause of profuse bleeding and is hard to control during operation. In this study, during the period 2017 – 2021, 431 cases

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The Relationship Between Platelet to Lymphocyte Ratio (PLR), Monocyte to Lymphocyte Ratio (MLR), Neutrophil to Lymphocyte Ratio (NLR), and Albumin Levels with The Severity of Community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) in Hospitalized Elderly Patients

The Relationship Between Platelet to Lymphocyte Ratio (PLR), Monocyte to Lymphocyte Ratio (MLR), Neutrophil to Lymphocyte Ratio (NLR), and Albumin Levels with The Severity of Community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) in Hospitalized Elderly Patients Novinna Kusumawati1, Ni Luh Putu Eka Arisanti1*, Ni Ketut Rai Purnami2, Ida Ayu Jasminarti Dwi Kusumawardani1, Ni Wayan

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Surgical Incision Simple Abdominal Drain (SISA Drain) in Obstetrics and Gynaecology Practice in Low Resource Settings to Reduce Morbidity

Surgical Incision Simple Abdominal Drain (SISA Drain) in Obstetrics and Gynaecology Practice in Low Resource Settings to Reduce Morbidity Solomon Kwabena Gumanga, Noah Kofi Lartey, and Egyakow Miaful Amponsa-Dadzie Abstract During the performance of some obstetric and gynaecologic procedures it may be impossible to achieve satisfactory haemostasis and the surgeon

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Analysis of Determinant Factors of Hyperemesis Gravidarum in 1st Trimester Pregnant Women at Prima Medika General Hospital Denpasar, Bali

Analysis of Determinant Factors of Hyperemesis Gravidarum in 1st Trimester Pregnant Women at Prima Medika General Hospital Denpasar, Bali I Made Mahadinata Putra MN1, I Gede Eka Handrean1, Kadek Satya Manggala2, Shelly Kartika Wardani2 Abstract Hyperemesis gravidarum is excessive nausea and vomiting that can disrupt daily activities and endanger the

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Profile of Colorectal Adenocarcinoma in Dr. Soetomo Hospital Surabaya Period 2018-2022

Profile of Colorectal Adenocarcinoma in Dr. Soetomo Hospital Surabaya Period 2018-2022 Rista Widhi Nugrahani1,2 , Alphania Rahniayu1,2, Gondo Mastutik1,2 Abstract Background: The incidence of colorectal cancer is increasing every year by about 8% with most patients in men. This cancer mostly occurs in old age above 50 years. Most colorectal

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The Relationship Between Facial Injury Severity Scale (FISS) with Intracranial Lesions and Cervical Fractures

The Relationship Between Facial Injury Severity Scale (FISS) with Intracranial Lesions and Cervical Fractures Maria Melita Lake1*, I Ketut Sudiasa2, and I Wayan Niryana3 Abstract Background: Facial injuries are often accompanied by intracranial lesions and cervical fractures, which can increase morbidity and mortality. The Facial Injury Severity Scale (FISS) has

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The Interplay Between Genetic, Environmental, and Microbiome Factors in the  Development of Obesity: A Comprehensive Literature Review

The Interplay Between Genetic, Environmental, and Microbiome Factors in the  Development of Obesity: A Comprehensive Literature Review Dzaky Ramadhan Hidayat1,2, Fatita Rachma Laudira1, Anggie Dewi Pitaloka1, Fesli Fadhila Ramadhani Saputro1, Sintia Wahyu Arifah1 Abstract Obesity is a multifactorial condition that primarily occurs due to genetic, environmental, and microbiome-related factors. This

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