Profile of Dyslipidemia and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Geriatric Inpatients with STEMI in the Department of Cardiology and Vascular Medicine at a Tertiary Hospital in Surabaya, Indonesia Anisa Putri Khairul1, Agung Pranoto2,3*, Mochamad Yusuf4,5 Abstract Background: Coronary heart disease (CHD) is the leading cause of death in the world,
Category: Volume 6 Issue 1
Diabetic Foot Care Training in Community Service Activities at Haji Hospital Surabaya
Diabetic Foot Care Training in Community Service Activities at Haji Hospital Surabaya Bambang Arianto1*, Een Hendarsih2, Akbar Pandu Wahyono3, Alifannisa Hasnur Islamy3, Dewfi Zhafira Rizqiyah Tabriz3, Fyna Amanah3, Ulil Amri Mufidah3, Arviana Dwi Listyowati3, Aditya Darmawan3, Sekar Arum Kusumaningadi3, Cindy Atika Lailatul Maghfiroh3, and Nabila Safi Kayana3 Abstract Introduction: Diabetic
Pulmonary Rehabilitation to Increase Cardiorespiratory Function in Bronkhiektasis Post-Tuberculosis Patient: A Case Report
Pulmonary Rehabilitation to Increase Cardiorespiratory Function in Bronkhiektasis Post-Tuberculosis Patient: A Case Report Fuji Mentari Ginting1, Luluk Qurrota Aini2, and Tengku Misdalia2 Abstract Background: Tuberculosis (TB) remains a global health concern, with 10.6 million cases in 2022. Indonesia accounts for 10% of cases worldwide. Post-TB bronchiectasis, a common complication, causes
Temporal Black Holes or The Black Hole Grandfather Paradox, and Serous Doubts of Special Relativity
Temporal Black Holes or The Black Hole Grandfather Paradox, and Serous Doubts of Special Relativity Anthony Maccini Abstract Theoretically, its predicted that anything traveling at superluminal speeds arrives before it sets off, that it goes into its past. The fact that light can’t escape a black hole suggests that matter
A Rare Case of Iron-Pill-Induced Gastritis in A Pediatric Patient
A Rare Case of Iron-Pill-Induced Gastritis in A Pediatric Patient Syed Ali Hussein Abdi1*, Syed Imran Ali Abdi2 Abstract Iron deficiency is the most common mineral deficiency worldwide and iron is the most common mineral ingested orally as pills (Hashash, 2013). Cases of Iron pill-induced gastritis are not commonly reported
Mental Health Issues Amongst University Students During The COVID-19 Pandemic
Mental Health Issues Amongst University Students During The COVID-19 Pandemic Syed Imran Ali Abdi1*, Faisal Rahmatullah1, Nabeelah Ismail1, Faraaz Ismail1, and Anusha Sreejith2 Abstract Mental health issues amongst University students during the COVID-19 Pandemic. This study assessed the prevalence of and determined the factors associated with stress, anxiety, and depression
Synergistic Effect of One Annonaceae and Two Rutaceae on The Stability of HbSS Red Blood Cells
Synergistic Effect of One Annonaceae and Two Rutaceae on The Stability of HbSS Red Blood Cells Akakpo-Akue J1, Kplé Epouse Coulibaly TKM1*, Kra AKM1, Konan GKNA1, Fofié YNB2, Essy KF3, Sanogo I4, Yapo-Crezoit CCA5 and Djaman AJ1,5 Abstract One of the consequences of the sickle cell is chronic hemolysis. The
Pancreatolithiasis with Puestow procedure in Rural Hospital: Case Report
Pancreatolithiasis with Puestow Procedure in Rural Hospital: Case Report Dewa Putu Satria Juristiasa¹*, Ida Bagus Wisnu Parbawa Kusuma², Herman Wambrauw³ Abstract Background: Pancreatolithiasis represents a significant challenge in gastroenterological surgery, particularly when complicated by metabolic disorders and lifestyle factors. This rural setting often results in limited access to specialized medical
Nephrology Case Report: Reaction to Polynephron Based Membrane Dialyzer
Nephrology Case Report: Reaction to Polynephron Based Membrane Dialyzer Hana Faisal1, Syed Imran Ali Abdi1, Rajaram Jagdale2 Abstract Dialyzer-associated reactions, though rare, can significantly impact the quality of life for patients undergoing hemodialysis. This case report presents a 56-year-old male with a history of Glomerulosclerosis and end-stage renal disease (ESRD)
Design of Smart Bracelet Based on STM32 MCU
Design of Smart Bracelet Based on STM32 MCU Depeng Xu*, Lina Zhou, Mengshan Li Abstract With the enhancement of living standards, individuals are placing a growing emphasis on health and are increasingly interested in gaining a comprehensive understanding of their physical and mental well-being. This thesis presents the design of