Risk Factors Analysis of Acute Kidney Injury Incidence Following Coronary Artery Bypass Graft with Cardiopulmonary Bypass in Indonesia

Risk Factors Analysis of Acute Kidney Injury Incidence Following Coronary Artery Bypass Graft with Cardiopulmonary Bypass in Indonesia Ghuraba Adisurya, Kun Arifi Abbas*, Philia Setiawan, Fajar Perdhana Abstract Introduction: The incidence of postoperative CABG AKI in Indonesia, one of which is in the city of Surabaya, is known to reach

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The Impact of Time to Intubate Towards Mortality Rate Among Covid-19 Patients in Dr. Soetomo General Hospital Resuscitation and ICU

The Impact of Time to Intubate Towards Mortality Rate Among Covid-19 Patients in Dr. Soetomo General Hospital Resuscitation and ICU Arinald Findari Manoppo, Arie Utariani*, Pesta Parulian Abstract Backgrounds: The COVID-19 pandemic began to spread in Indonesia in March 2020 and continues to increase. Patients with severe symptoms are known

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Augmented Intelligence

Augmented Intelligence Matthew N. O. Sadiku1*, Tolulope J. Ashaolu2, Abayomi Ajayi-Majebi,3 and Sarhan M. Musa1 Abstract Augmented intelligence (AI), also known as intelligence augmentation (IA) or cognitive augmentation, is next level artificial intelligence. Augmented intelligence refers to the synergistic technology of humans and computers. This paper compares Augmented Intelligence with

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Assessment of Factors Affecting the Nature and Characteristics of the Production Structure of an Industrial Enterprise

Assessment of Factors Affecting the Nature and Characteristics of the Production Structure of an Industrial Enterprise Aliyeva Aygun Akbar Abstract The article describes the production structure of an industrial enterprise and its structural units. The production structure of an enterprise is analyzed in the context of specialization and production scale.

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High Frequency Solid State Transformer Design Considerations for Power Systems Applications

High Frequency Solid State Transformer Design Considerations for Power Systems Applications Raton Kumar Nondy1, Md. Abul Bashar1, Prema Nondy2*, M. Hazrat Ali3 Abstract The conventional power frequency (50 or 60 Hz) transformers are economical, highly reliable and quite efficient but they suffer with certain drawbacks like sensitive to harmonics, voltage

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Analysis of Single Nucleotide Polymorphism A118g Gene Opioid Receptor Mu-1 (OPRM1) In Opioid Analgesic Patients in Indonesia

Analysis of Single Nucleotide Polymorphism A118g Gene Opioid Receptor Mu-1 (OPRM1) In Opioid Analgesic Patients in Indonesia Mara Imam Taufiq Siregar, Arie Utariani*, Hamzah, Elizeus Hanindito, Prananda Surya Airlangga and Retno Handajani Abstract Introduction: Opioid Receptor Mu-1 or Opioid Receptor Mu-1 (OPRM1) is a prime candidate for pharmacogenetic studies related

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The Case of Shisong Hospital: Is Promotion the Reason for Employee Satisfaction, Commitment or Intention to Quit?

The Case of Shisong Hospital: Is Promotion the Reason for Employee Satisfaction, Commitment or Intention to Quit? Benard Berinyuy* and Lema Catherine Forje Abstract The movement of professionals from one organisation to another in quest for satisfaction has been a matter of serious concern to health organisations especially Shisong hospital

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Social Economic Status of Etawa (Pe) Goats Farmers in Tamansari Village, Ampelgading District, Malang Regency, Indonesia

Social Economic Status of Etawa (Pe) Goats Farmers in Tamansari Village, Ampelgading District, Malang Regency, Indonesia Sita Arum Prabawati*1, Bambang Ali Nugroho2, and Siti Azizah2 Abstract This research was conducted in October 2019 at Tamansari Village, Ampelgading District, Malang Regency. This study aims to describe (1) household characteristics of PE

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