Dietary Intake and Physical Activity in Relation to Obesity in 6-12 Years Old Children at SDN Banyu Urip III/364 Surabaya

Dietary Intake and Physical Activity in Relation to Obesity in 6-12 Years Old Children at SDN Banyu Urip III/364 Surabaya Valensia Arita Putri1*, Dwi Aprilawati2, Mira Irmawati3, and Nur Aisiyah Widjaja4 Abstract Introduction: Obesity is a multifactorial disorder characterized by excessive accumulation of fat in the body. Obesity can increase

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Exercise Intensity and Its Relation to Sperm Count on Healthy Male Adults

Exercise Intensity and Its Relation to Sperm Count on Healthy Male Adults Samuel Davin1, Wardina Halim2, and Sundari Indah Wiyasihati3* Abstract Physical activity is well known for maintaining fitness and health. Recent studies also found that low semen quality and quantity are associated with the risk of many diseases and

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Relationship Between Obesity and Menstrual Cycle Disorders in Adolescent Girls at SMP Al-Izzah International Islamic Boarding School Batu in 2021

Relationship Between Obesity and Menstrual Cycle Disorders in Adolescent Girls at SMP Al-Izzah International Islamic Boarding School Batu in 2021 Safa Salsabila Hanum1*, Eighty Mardiyan Kurniawati2, Dwi Apriliawati3 and Pungky Mulawardhana2 Abstract Background: Results of the Riskesdas Nasional 2010 stated that as many as 13.7% of Indonesian women experienced menstrual

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Performance Comparison Between Convolutional Neural Network-Based Artificial Intelligence SiCoSa with a Combination of 2 Radiology Specialists at Universitas Airlangga Hospital in Diagnosing COVID-19 on Chest X-Ray Images

Performance Comparison Between Convolutional Neural Network-Based Artificial Intelligence SiCoSa with a Combination of 2 Radiology Specialists at Universitas Airlangga Hospital in Diagnosing COVID-19 on Chest X-Ray Images Caesario Indra Ardana1, Anggraini Dwi Sensusiati2* and Niko Azhari Hidayat3 Abstract Introduction: COVID-19 can be detected in various ways, namely RT-PCR as the

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Quality Assurance of Professional Studies and The Development of 21st C Skills Among Students in Cameroon Private Universities: The Case of Private Universities in Mfoundi Division

Quality Assurance of Professional Studies and The Development of 21st C Skills Among Students in Cameroon Private Universities: The Case of Private Universities in Mfoundi Division Paul Ebone Abstract This study explores the provision of professional studies, its quality assurance practices, and the undesired increasing lack of 21st century skills

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Clinical Profile of Multidrug-Resistant Organisms at Burn Center Dr. Soetomo General Hospital Surabaya from June 2020 to June 2021

Clinical Profile of Multidrug-Resistant Organisms at Burn Center Dr. Soetomo General Hospital Surabaya from June 2020 to June 2021 Malikulsaleh1, Iswinarno Doso Saputro2* and Muhammad Yulianto Listiawan3 Abstract Background: Burns are an ideal environment for primary wound infection to occur. Burn infection can lead to the acquisition of Multidrug-Resistant Organisms

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Association Analysis of Individual Characteristics with Dietary Adherence of T2DM Patients as an Effort to Control Blood Glucose Levels

Association Analysis of Individual Characteristics with Dietary Adherence of T2DM Patients as an Effort to Control Blood Glucose Levels Fadhilah Jilan Shabirah1, Dwi Aprilawati2, Roedi Irawan3*and Yetti Hernaningsih4 Abstract Diabetes mellitus is a chronic metabolic disease that requires individual dietary therapy to control blood glucose levels. Diabetic patients tend to

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The Correlation Between Maternal Care for Breastfeeding and Complementary Foods with the Nutritional Status of Infants in Puskesmas Panekan Magetan Regency

The Correlation Between Maternal Care for Breastfeeding and Complementary Foods with the Nutritional Status of Infants in Puskesmas Panekan Magetan Regency Riska Ayu Eliana1, Sri Umijati2*, Roedi Irawan3 and Yunias Setiawati4 Abstract Background: Parenting is one of the important factors that affect the nutritional status of children. Inappropriate parenting can

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The Correlation Between Age at Onset and Metabolic Control with Anthropometrics Status in Children with Type 1 Diabetes

The Correlation Between Age at Onset and Metabolic Control with Anthropometrics Status in Children with Type 1 Diabetes Khalimatus Sa’diyah1, Nur Rochmah2*, Ummi Maimunah3 and Taufiq Hidayat2 Abstract Background: Type 1 Diabetes is the most prevalent chronic disease in childhood. The most common cause of T1DM is an autoimmune process.

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