Correlation of High Eosinophil Count Levels in Blood with Metastasis in Colorectal Carcinoma Yoga Anindita1, I Made Mulyawan2, I Ketut Sudartana2, Tjok Gde Bagus Mahadewa3, I Nyoman Semadi4, and Ida Bagus Made Suryawisesa5 Abstract Background: Eosinophils are bone marrow-derived granulocytes in peripheral blood and tissues primarily involved as effector cells
Category: Volume 4 Issue 3
Behavior and Psychological Analysis of Electric Bike Rider Going Straight to Cross the Street at Signal Intersections
Behavior and Psychological Analysis of Electric Bike Rider Going Straight to Cross the Street at Signal Intersections Xinyu Xie, Yingming Liu, and Yongqing Guo* Abstract As an important part of China’s transportation means, electric vehicles have an important impact on China’s traffic environment and traffic safety, and the straight violation
Research on the Conflict Between Pedestrians and Right-turning Vehicles at Signal Intersections Based on Psychological Level
Research on the Conflict Between Pedestrians and Right-turning Vehicles at Signal Intersections Based on Psychological Level Xinyue Ma, Yingming Liu, and Yongqing Guo* Abstract Urban roads play an important role in daily life, and signal intersections, as an important nodes of urban roads, are the main place of traffic conflict.
Correlation Between Preoperative Serum Albumin Levels And Post-Operating Seroma Incidence Of Modified Radical Mastectomy In Breast Cancer Patients
Correlation Between Preoperative Serum Albumin Levels And Post-Operating Seroma Incidence Of Modified Radical Mastectomy In Breast Cancer Patients Ngakan Agung Mugi Raharja1*, I Gede Budhi Setiawan2, Ni Gusti Ayu Agung Manik Yuniawaty Wetan2, I Wayan Sudarsa2 , I Made Darmajaya3, and Gede Wirya Kusuma Duarsa4 Abstract Background: Surgical therapy is
On The Nature of Tachyons and The Pioneer Anomaly
On The Nature of Tachyons and The Pioneer Anomaly Anthony Maccini Abstract One considers tachyon repulsive force f from intergalactic space, by Takaaki Musha, as responsible for the rotation speed of galaxies, as not due to dark matter. Comparisons are made between this tachyon force f and dark energy, as
Effectiveness of Broccoli (Brassica oleracea Var. Italica) on Antioxidant Activity and Chemical Quality of Beef Meatballs
Effectiveness of Broccoli (Brassica 0leracea Var. Italica) on Antioxidant Activity and Chemical Quality of Beef Meatballs Mutya Fadhilah1*, Franky M.S Telupere1, and Dodi Darmakusuma2 Abstract The study has purpose for knowing the effect of the addition of broccoli on antioxidant activity, and the chemical quality of beef meatballs. The experimental
Early Detection and Treatment of Metabolic Syndrome in a 14-Year-Old Teenage Girl with Turner Syndrome: A Longitudinal Case Study
Early Detection and Treatment of Metabolic Syndrome in a 14-Year-Old Teenage Girl with Turner Syndrome: A Longitudinal Case Study Katherine Fedora1, Glabela Christiana Pandango2, Nur Rochmah2*, and Muhammad Faizi2 Abstract Young women with TS are susceptible to various medical complications, such as autoimmune disorders, overweight and obesity, and an increased
Administration of Oral Gemitir Flower Extract (Tagetes erecta L) Increased The Number of Neovascularization, Fibroblasts Cell and Epithelization of Wound in Male Wistar Strains Rats (Rattus norvegicus)
Administration of Oral Gemitir Flower Extract (Tagetes erecta L) Increased The Number of Neovascularization, Fibroblasts Cell and Epithelization of Wound in Male Wistar Strains Rats (Rattus norvegicus) Sylvia Carolina Hutabarat*, I Gusti Made Aman, and Ni Wayan Winarti Abstract Background: Herbal ingredients that can be used to reduce wound healing
The Administration of 15% Sensitive Plant (Mimosa pudica) Leaf Extract Cream Inhibited the Increasing of Tyrosinase Enzyme and the Amount of Melanin in Male Guinea Pig (Cavia porcellus) Skin Exposed to Ultraviolet B
The Administration of 15% Sensitive Plant (Mimosa pudica) Leaf Extract Cream Inhibited the Increasing of Tyrosinase Enzyme and the Amount of Melanin in Male Guinea Pig (Cavia porcellus) Skin Exposed to Ultraviolet B Adellia Nike Fadrijanto1*, A.A.G Putra Wiraguna2, and Wimpie I Pangkahila2 Abstract Background: The leaf of sensitive plant
Hyperglycemia and Obesity as Risk Factors for Severe Covid-19
Hyperglycemia and Obesity as Risk Factors for Severe Covid-19 Komang Ida Widiayu Radiari Nugraha1, Ida Bagus Ngurah Rai1, I Gede Ketut Sajinadiyasa1*, Wira Gotera2, Ni Wayan Candrawati1, Ida Ayu Jasminarti Dwi Kusumawardani1, Ni Luh Putu Eka Arisanti1, and I Gusti Ngurah Bagus Artana1 Abstract Background: Obesity and hyperglycemia are common