Diabetic Foot Care Training in Community Service Activities at Haji Hospital Surabaya

Bambang Arianto1*, Een Hendarsih2, Akbar Pandu Wahyono3, Alifannisa Hasnur Islamy3, Dewfi Zhafira Rizqiyah Tabriz3, Fyna Amanah3, Ulil Amri Mufidah3, Arviana Dwi Listyowati3, Aditya Darmawan3, Sekar Arum Kusumaningadi3, Cindy Atika Lailatul Maghfiroh3, and Nabila Safi Kayana3


Introduction: Diabetic foot disease is prevalent and tends to increase along with diabetes mellitus. If a diabetic foot wound occurs, it does not heal quickly, it may not heal, or there is a risk of amputation. Diabetic foot wounds also require treatment at a clinic or hospital and interfere with activities, both work and social life. Meanwhile, public knowledge about diabetes and diabetic foot care is very lacking. For this reason, community service is currently conducting diabetic foot training in the community. Method: Community service with the topic of diabetes foot care training was carried out at the Haji Hospital, East Java Province, from 6 October 2024 to 12 October 2024, involving 10 young doctors from Muhamadiyah University who were currently stationed in the surgical department. This community outreach has produced leaflets and educational videos on diabetic foot care and has conducted training for 50 patients and families of diabetic foot sufferers. The response from the training participants was excellent, with their enthusiasm following the training stages, and in evaluating the posttest results, there was a significant increase compared to the pretest. Results: The majority of respondents’ gender were female, namely 28 people (56%). Most respondents were over 60, namely 26 people (52%). Most recent education was SMA/SMK as many as 22 people (44%). There was an increase in the average pre-test and post-test results, and there was a significant difference in the post-test compared to the pre-test after the diabetic foot care training was carried out with a p-value <0.05. Conclusion: Community service with diabetes foot care training is essential and valuable for the community, especially for diabetes mellitus sufferers. It is hoped that in the future, diabetic foot care training can continue with broader coverage using the leaflets and educational videos that have been made.


treatment; diabetic foot; pretest; post-test.

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Arianto, B., Hendarsih, E., Wahyono, A. P., Islamy, A. H., Tabriz, D. Z. R., Amanah, F., Mufidah, U. A., Listyowati, A. D., Darmawan, A., Kusumaningadi, S. A., Maghfiroh, C. A. L., Kayana, N. S. (2025). Diabetic Foot Care Training in Community Service Activities at Haji Hospital Surabaya. International Journal of Scientific Advances (IJSCIA), Volume 6| Issue 1: Jan-Feb 2025, Pages 227-229 URL: https://www.ijscia.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/Volume6-Issue1-Jan-Feb-No.845-227-229.pdf

Volume 6 | Issue 1: Jan – Feb 2025