Digital Thermometer

Cruz Norberto Gonzales Morales1, Miguel Ángel Hernández Rojano2*, Johnny Pérez Gómez3, Jenifer Corona Cuaxilo4, Gonzalo Hernández De Gante5, Jesús Zamora Calva6 and Iván Jhesuan Sánchez Contreras7


In this article, a prototype of a digital thermometer is shown, with the objective that students and teachers have more efficient laboratory material, reducing accidents due to the handling of high-risk materials, in the laboratory of chemistry. Because conventional thermometers have mercury in their bulb, which is toxic to humans. Thus, the personnel who use them to carry out their research and practices can reduce the risks when handling these temperature measurement instruments. In this sense, the design and construction of a box-type thermometer were carried out with 3D software. This model was chosen because it is more resistant and accessible to transport. In turn, an electronic control, programmed and controlled by an Atmega328P microcontroller, was implemented in the thermometer. This element allows more accurate temperatures to be taken since it has a temperature sensor (type K thermocouple). An OLED screen was implemented in this model, which is powered by a 9V rechargeable battery. Once the prototype was assembled, tests were carried out in the laboratory. To compare the determination of the temperature and have the certainty of its operation. With this prototype, verification and experimental tests are carried out to verify its effectiveness. It is determined that this type of equipment is functional for safely measuring temperature, using it in good practices and experiments carried out at the University.


digital thermometer; 3D software; safely measuring temperature

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Morales, C. N. G., Rojano, M. A. H., Gómez, J. P., Cuaxilo, J. C., Gante, G. H. D., Calva, J. Z., Contreras, I. J. S.  (2022). Digital Thermometer. International Journal of Scientific Advances (IJSCIA), Volume 3| Issue 6: Nov-Dec 2022, Pages 816-819, URL:

Volume 3 | Issue 6: Nov-Dec 2022 


ISSN: 2708-7972


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (International) Licence.(CC BY-NC 4.0).
