Mycophenolate Mofetil (Cellcept) Induced Pneumonitis: Case Report and Review of Literature

Iboro Udoete, MD.1, Ngozika Orjioke MD., FCCP2, Okelue Edwards Okobi MD.3 and M.Sc, Chinwendu Onuegbu, MD4


Mycophenolate is used to treat several disease conditions. Several side effects have been reported in several reported cases; however, a few other side effects have been underreported, for example, post-transplant pneumonitis. This case demonstrates suspected mycophenolate-associated pneumonitis, which was masked by the concurrent immune-modulatory drugs that the patients were taking. The pneumonitis became evident after the withdrawal of the immune drugs. This seldomly reported pneumonitis and mycophenolate association calls for further vigilance and a high index of suspicion by physicians when pneumonitis develops in patients taking this valuable medication.


mycophenolate; pneumonitis; medication

Cite This Article

Udoete, I., Orjioke, N., Okobi, O. E., Onuegbu, C. (2021). Mycophenolate Mofetil (Cellcept) Induced Pneumonitis: Case Report and Review of Literature. International Journal of Scientific Advances (IJSCIA), Volume 2| Issue 5: Sep-Oct 2021, Pages 727-728 , URL:

Volume 2 | Issue 5: Sep-Oct 2021