Automatic and Manual Filling System
Ernesto Mendoza Vazquez1, Jonny Carmona Reyes2*, Evelin Alonso Hernández3
This project aims to develop a filling system with automatic and manual mode, for filling domestic water tanks with an easy-to-use interface for the general public. A filling system was developed with the help of an ultrasonic sensor to measure the water level in the tank. The data obtained will be transferred and processed to the microcontroller of the Arduino program, this information will be represented graphically in the output device (LCD screen). For the control system, 2 buttons have been implemented to activate the automatic and manual modes, with this, it is possible to control the filling level of the water tank. This will allow us to know the advantages and disadvantages which will contribute to the formation of more solid knowledge regarding control systems.
automatic; sensor; Arduino program
Cite This Article
Vazquez, E. M., Reyes, J. C., Hernández, E. A. (2021). Automatic and Manual Filling System. International Journal of Scientific Advances (IJSCIA), Volume 2| Issue 5: Sep-Oct 2021, Pages 913-916 , URL:
Volume 2 | Issue 5: Sep-Oct 2021