Skewed Rhombic Plates Analysis for Bending and Deflection Using Simple Elastic Strip Method

Orumu S. T.


A simple technique, based on the recently developed elastic strip analysis (ESA)[1] of the bi-harmonic equation for moments and deflections of simply supported rectangular plates developed from finite series expression for suggested valid displacement function method, is applied to the analysis of skewed rhombic plates. The formulation uses a characterization of the load area contributed by the shorter diagonal strip and the longer diagonal strip to the skewed plates to obtain the load fractions in the four strips represented in the plate bi-harmonic equation. The maximum and minimum principal bending moments together with the deflection at the centre of the plate are obtained almost immediately with striking results. Skewed rhombic plates with any skew angles to the horizontal can be handled by this method. Numerical examples are presented and results compared with available ones in literature since 1959.


Rhombic Plates; Elastic; Strip; Skewed angle; moments; deflections

Cite This Article

Orumu S. T. (2022). Skewed Rhombic Plates Analysis for Bending and Deflection Using Simple Elastic Strip Method. International Journal of Scientific Advances (IJSCIA), Volume 3| Issue 3: May-Jun 2022, Pages 343-350, URL:

Volume 3 | Issue 3: May-Jun 2022 


ISSN: 2708-7972


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