Glaucoma and Dry Eye Syndrome Impact on Quality of Life: What We Know?

Ivana Beatrice Alberta1*, Michael Chandra Sarsono1, Cisca Kuswidyati2


Dry eye syndrome (DES) and glaucoma are two chronic eye diseases that require continuous and long-term use of topical drugs. These diseases can cause decreased quality of life from various aspects such as visual, psychological, long-term treatment, and economic burdens. This study proposed to review the chronic eye disease impact on patients’ quality of life. There are several questionnaires created to quantify these data. In conclusion, many studies have reported a significant reduction in quality of life in people with DES and glaucoma.


dry eye syndrome; glaucoma; quality of life

Cite This Article

Alberta, I. B., Sarsono, M. C., Kuswidyati, C. (2022). Glaucoma and Dry Eye Syndrome Impact on Quality of Life: What We Know?. International Journal of Scientific Advances (IJSCIA), Volume 3| Issue 3: May-Jun 2022, Pages 494-498, URL:

Volume 3 | Issue 3: May-Jun 2022 


ISSN: 2708-7972


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