Is the human race winning the war against Helicobacter Infections?

Ashaolu, J.O*


The incidence of helicobacter infections in human population appears not to have significantly wane over the years. Even though there are reports indicating that the prevalence rate is reducing in the developed world, constant migration, general globalization and other environmental factors has kept every population a risk. Moreover, the rising incidence of infection with non-pylori helicobacter species, which were considered hitherto non-virulent, puts a question in the seemingly progress made so far in the treatment and eradication of these bacteria and their infections. The purpose of this mini review is to access the clinical and epidemiological gains and the challenges so far in the treatment and eradication of helicobacter spp. infections.


helicobacter spp.; infections; human population; bacteria; eradication

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Ashaolu, J.O (2020). Is the human race winning the war against Helicobacter Infections. International Journal of Scientific Advances (IJSCIA), Volume 1| Issue 1: Jul-Aug 2020, Pages 7-9, URL:

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Volume 1 | Issue 1: Jul-Aug 2020