Is Vitamin D the Elixir of Life?

Miew Leng Khoo2, Kris Ke Shyang See2*, Romel Mario Soyza1, Kishan Kanan Yogaratnam1, Wai Hong Cheang1, Nur Dalila Nabihan Ahmad Tajuddin1 and Amarpreet Kaur Sarjit Singh1


In recent years, there has been increasing acknowledgment of the important role mental health plays in achieving global development goals, as illustrated by the inclusion of mental health in the Sustainable Development Goals. Depression is one of the leading causes of disability. Suicide is the fourth leading cause of death among 15-29-year-olds. People with severe mental health conditions die prematurely – as much as two decades early – due to preventable physical conditions. Despite progress in some countries, people with mental health conditions often experience severe human rights violations, discrimination, and stigma. Many mental health conditions can be effectively treated at relatively low cost, yet the gap between people needing care and those with access to care remains substantial. Effective treatment coverage remains extremely low. Vitamin D, a fat-soluble vitamin, is well-known for its role in bone health, and research on its effects on mental health has only recently emerged. Vitamin D deficiency is widespread worldwide, and it has been linked to an increased risk of depression. We have assessed, treated, and followed up on 46 patients that are diagnosed with Vitamin D deficiency and noted a marked improvement in the resolution of clinical symptoms through Vitamin D supplementation, either orally or through intramuscular injection. We have also reviewed literature that shows us that Vitamin D deficiency is a risk factor for depression and explored studies that show us the effects of using or supplementing Vitamin D in preventing depression among various populations. Vitamin D testing and treatment is a subject of controversial scientific discussions, and it is challenging to navigate through the expanding vitamin D literature with heterogeneous and partially opposed opinions and recommendations. In this narrative review, we aim to provide an update on vitamin D guidelines and the current evidence on the role of vitamin D for human health with its subsequent implications for patient care and public health issues. Vitamin D is critical for bone and mineral metabolism, and it is established that vitamin D deficiency can cause rickets and osteomalacia. While many guidelines recommend target serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25[OH]D) concentrations of ≥50 nmol/L (20 ng/mL), the minimum consensus in the scientific community is that serum 25(OH)D concentrations below 25–30 nmol/L (10–12 ng/mL) must be prevented and treated. Using this latter threshold of serum 25(OH)D concentrations, it has been documented that there is a high worldwide prevalence of vitamin D deficiency that may require public health actions such as vitamin D food fortification. On the other hand, there is also the reason for concern that an exploding rate of vitamin D testing and supplementation increases costs and might potentially be harmful. In the scientific debate on vitamin D, we should consider that nutrient trials differ from drug trials and that apart from the opposed positions regarding indications for vitamin D treatment we still have to better characterize the precise role of vitamin D for human health. Osel Group, a private healthcare organization headquartered in Malaysia, with an extensive presence in therapeutics and innovative medical research in Malaysia, Hong Kong, Singapore, and the United States of America; is a member of the United Nations Global Compact and subscribes to United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Osel Group advocates public-private-people (PPP) collaboration toward solving global problems.


vitamin D; human health; mental health

Cite This Article

Khoo, M. L., See, K. K. S., Soyza, R. M., Yogaratnam, K. K., Cheang, W. H., Tajuddin, N. D. N. A., Singh, A. K. S. (2022). Is Vitamin D the Elixir of Life?. International Journal of Scientific Advances (IJSCIA), Volume 3| Issue 6: Nov-Dec 2022, Pages 891-893, URL:

Volume 3 | Issue 6: Nov-Dec 2022 


ISSN: 2708-7972


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (International) Licence.(CC BY-NC 4.0).
