Nutrition Therapy for a 58-year-old man with Intracerebral Hemorrhage and Post Craniotomy: A Case Report

Putu Diani Wirayanti1*, Ni Made Dwi Asti Lestari1, Agustinus I Wayan Harimawan2, and Made Kurnia Alvina1


The nutritional status of individuals plays a crucial role during the subacute and recovery phases following a cerebrovascular event. Moreover, poor nutrition correlates with worsened disease severity, higher mortality rates, increased risk of infections, difficulty in swallowing, and limited improvement in daily activities even risk of malnutrition. A- 58 years old man was brought to emergency room with decrease of consciousness. Patient had history of hypertension and needed to undergo craniotomy with diagnose of Stroke Hemorrhage (ICH +IVH). Patient received 2100 kcal/day of total energy with 120 grams protein, fat 60 grams, carbohydrate 270 gr. Patient body weight when admitted was 100kg with height 178cm, Body Mass Index (BMI) 31.56 kg/m2 (Obesity type 2). After 21 days being admitted, nutrition intake reached the target and his clinical condition improved.


critically ill patients; nutrition therapy; stroke hemorrhage; post craniotomy.

Cite This Article

Wirayanti, P. D., Lestari, N. M. D. A., Harimawan, A. I. W., Alvina, M. K., (2024). Nutrition Therapy for a 58-year-old man with Intracerebral Hemorrhage and Post Craniotomy: A Case Report. International Journal of Scientific Advances (IJSCIA), Volume 5| Issue 3: May-Jun 2024, Pages 640-642, URL:

Volume 5 | Issue 3: May-Jun 2024


ISSN: 2708-7972


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