Optimization of Direct Passive Solar Dryer and Raised Drying Platform for Cassava Drying

James Menya1, 2, Peter Tumutegyereize1, Isa Kabenge1, and Julia Kigozi1


Cassava (Manihot esculenta, Crantz) is one the most important root crops in the world, providing energy to consumers due to the large amount of carbohydrates. However, farmers face the challenge of post-harvest losses of the crop. In order to avoid post-harvest losses, farmers have been engaged in traditional processing through peeling and drying chips to make flour and other products. Sun drying on a raised drying platform and direct passive solar dryers as the most used drying methods face the challenge of poor-quality dried cassava due to factors like inappropriate cassava chip size, poor drying layer depth, and long drying time. This study therefore sought to optimize these two cassava drying methods so as to improve the quality of dried cassava chips and the subsequent products. Randomized complete block design experiments were conducted and the measurements considered were drying time, moisture content, and microbial contamination in terms of Total plate count (TPC), Total coliforms (TC), and Yeast and moulds (YM). Models to predict moisture content for cassava chip size and drying layer depth were also generated. Results show that for all cassava chip sizes, there was no significant difference in drying time for drying layer depths of 3cm and 5.5cm. The optimal cassava chip sizes were 5cm arc length and 2 cm arc length for the raised drying platform and passive solar dryer respectively. Samples of drying layer depth of 3cm were least contaminated by coliforms and total plate count. Statistical analysis showed that for both drying technologies, individual factors of chip size and drying layer depth did not significantly affect the TPC (p>0.05). Samples from a 3cm drying layer depth were least mouldy and could therefore be stored for a longer time yet samples dried in a solar dryer had higher counts of yeast and moulds compared to those dried on a raised platform.


drying layer depth; cassava chip size; drying area

Cite This Article

Menya, J., Tumutegyereize, P., Kabenge, I., Kigozi, J. (2024). Optimization of Direct Passive Solar Dryer and Raised Drying Platform for Cassava Drying. International Journal of Scientific Advances (IJSCIA), Volume 5| Issue 3: May-Jun 2024, Pages 392-399, URL: https://www.ijscia.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Volume5-Issue3-May-Jun-No.599-392-399.pdf

Volume 5 | Issue 3: May-Jun 2024


ISSN: 2708-7972


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