The Lorentz Transformation, the Speed of Light, and Time Measurement (Did Someone Talk to the Clocks?)

József Ferencz


Let’s examine the relationship between the Lorentz transformation and light. The Lorentz transformation is started with a very strong stipulation. It fixes the constancy of the speed of light. Let’s also look at the relationship between time and the Lorentz transformation. When deriving the Lorentz transformation, time is calculated as any measurable physical quantity. The explanations talk about ideal synchronized clocks in the special theory of relativity. However, the explanation does not say that these clocks sense the passage of time. Let’s see if all the initial conditions are met when deriving the Lorentz transformation? It is not specified how it can be determined whether light is in an inertial frame or not? The Lorentz transformation proves that the speed of light is not constant, compared to inertial frames of different speeds.


Lorentz transformation; virtual time; real-time; local time; time measurement; clock mechanism; atomic clock; speed of light; inertial system; coordinate system; Einstein; special relativity.

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Ferencz, J. (2025). The Lorentz Transformation, the Speed of Light, and Time Measurement (Did Someone Talk to the Clocks?). International Journal of Scientific Advances (IJSCIA), Volume 6| Issue 1: Jan-Feb 2025, Pages 109-113, URL:

Volume 6 | Issue 1: Jan – Feb 2025