Transfusion Reaction Occurrence Based on Types of Blood Components in Airlangga University General Hospital

Muhammad Rafi Adiyatma1, Diah P Rini2*, Muhammad N Diansyah3


Blood transfusion reactions are a common occurrence, but they can be minimized through proper screening and monitoring procedures. By understanding the types of blood components that are most likely to cause reactions, healthcare providers can take steps to reduce the risk of adverse events. This thesis describes the Transfusion Reactions that Occur Based on Types of Blood Components at Airlangga University General Hospital. This is a retrospective observational study using secondary data from medical records of blood transfusion recipients at Airlangga University General Hospital. The goal is to analyze blood transfusion reactions that occurred between January 2022 and June 2023. All medical records of blood transfusion recipients during this period were included in the study. The study found a significant gender disparity in transfusion reactions, with females being more likely to experience reactions than males. The most common transfusion reactions were febrile non-hemolytic transfusion reactions (FNHTR) and allergic reactions. There are 51 patients who show febrile non-hemolytic and 17 Patients with allergic reactions. These reactions can occur in individuals of all ages but are most prevalent in adults aged 19-60. Packed red cells (PRCs) were the most common blood component involved in reactions. In conclusion, most transfusion reactions are mild and do not require further treatment. Patients should be informed about the potential risks of blood transfusions before undergoing the procedure.


transfusion component; transfusion reaction; quality of life.

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Adiyatma, M. R., Rini, D. P., Diansyah, M. N. (2024). Transfusion Reaction Occurrence Based on Types of Blood Components in Airlangga University General Hospital. International Journal of Scientific Advances (IJSCIA), Volume 5| Issue 6: Nov-Dec 2024, Pages 1595-1598, URL:

Volume 5 | Issue 6: Nov – Dec 2024