UV Disinfectant Médium

Estefania Moreno Carreño1*, Ernesto Mendoza Vázquez 2 and Moisés Sánchez Moredia3


The objective was to design and create an airtight environment that disinfects objects and inactivates microorganisms with radiation, in addition to being easy to use and at a low cost. With a metallic structure, acrylic paint coatings, an acrylic sheet and a UV light lamp, which is controlled with a radiation sensor and another movement sensor. To be able to disinfect the interior of the box allowing to inactivate microorganisms at a low cost and easy handling. When using radiation as a disinfectant, microorganisms do not generate resistance and it is an easy- to-use method. The design was based on equipment used to disinfect, the design was carried out in design software, then an analysis of materials for its construction was carried out, taking into account radiation and other variables such as temperature. The results were the analysis of the correct function of the seals in the box, the power of the radiation to inactivate and the easy handling of the equipment.


Inexpensive; effective; disinfection

Cite This Article

Carreño, E. M., Vázquez, E. M., Moredia, M. S. (2022). UV Disinfectant Médium. International Journal of Scientific Advances (IJSCIA), Volume 3| Issue 6: Nov-Dec 2022, Pages 820-823, URL: https://www.ijscia.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/Volume3-Issue6-Nov-Dec-No.357-820-823.pdf

Volume 3 | Issue 6: Nov-Dec 2022 


ISSN: 2708-7972


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