Study on Structure of Labour Force Divided by Economic Sector: HCM, Vietnam Case Vu Thi Kim Hanh Abstract Labour force

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Study on Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Logistics Transport Development: HCM, Vietnam Case Vu Thi Kim Hanh Abstract The
Study on Structure of Population Divided by Gender and Geography: HCM, Vietnam Case Vu Thi Kim Hanh Abstract Population is
Figurative Disconnection(s) in Eldorado by Laurent Gaudé Daniel Tia Abstract A retrospective glance at the history of humankind discloses that
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The Dynamic Factors of Desertification and Their Impact on Ecosystems Ciprian Tudor1, Cristinel Constandache1*, Mihai Hapa2, Lucian Dincă3 Abstract Even
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Hyperbolic Medicine: General and Local Hyperbolic Curves on Earth, Influencing Human Physiology Jesús M. González-González Abstract The objective of this
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Development and Prospect of Automobile Four-Wheel Steering System Yajie Chen*, Kehui Ma, Yongguo Zhang, Zhen Xu and Pengcheng Zhou Abstract
Assessment of Indigenous Knowledge in Managing Environmental Challenges: A Case Study of Ringim Local Government Area of Jigawa State, Nigeria
A Brief Discussion on the Research Progress of the Theory of Dynamic Vibration Reduction with Time Delay Pengcheng Zhou*, Yongguo
Survey of Dry Antibiotics Most Commonly Used in The City of Niamey from 2015 to 2016 Salifou Karimoune FADJIMATA1*, Amadou
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The Antinociceptive Effect of Lonchocarpus Araripensis Lectin is Mediated by Endocannabinoid Receptors Renata Morais Ferreira Amorim1, Messias Vital de Oliveira2,
MPD Thruster Technology and Its Limitations Samarth Patel1*, M.S.R. Bondugula2 and Srilochan Gorakula3 Abstract It was realized earlier that chemical
The Influence of the Use of Cement Brands on the Physical and Mechanical Properties of Reactive Powder Concrete (RPC) E.
The Trend of Platelet-To-Lymphocyte Ratio (PLR) and Absolute-Lymphocyte-Count (ALC) in the Severity of Covid-19 Patients Markus Gatot Sura Wijaya 1,
Management System for the Development of Industrial Social Relations of a New Technological Order Valery Vladimirovich Glushchenko Abstract the subject
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Covid-19 Pandemic and Its Influence on Social Health Risk Behaviour Change Among Motorcycle Riders in the Transport Industry in Kimili
Student Online Activities and their impact on Self driven Learning and Motivation among Students in Public Secondary Schools in Bungoma
The Influence of Occupant Grip on Ceiling Handrail and Injury Assessment in Collision Xu Zhen*, Yongguo Zhang, Kehui Ma, Dechao Yan,
The Development of Sheep Farming Business With Participatory Development Communication in Malang Alditya Putri Yulinarsari1*, Siti Azizah2 and Umi Wisapti
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Rudimentary Knowledge in Economics, Finance, Accounting and Benefits Ecler Jaqua, MD, DipABLM, DipABOM, FAAFP1* and Terry Jaqua PhD, MBA2 Abstract
Business Ethics, Culture and Times Ecler Jaqua, MD, DipABLM, DipABOM, FAAFP1* and Terry Jaqua PhD, MBA2 Abstract Publicly the tobacco
Effect of Modern Marketing Practices on Performance of Real Estate Firms in Kenya Peter Githae Muturi1*, John Muturi Mwangi2 and
NGOs Interventions in The Care Provided to Internally Displaced Persons (IDPS): The Case of Community Initiative for Sustainable Development (COMINSUD)
Factors Contributing to Increased Patient Waiting Time at Out Patient Department of Lady Ridgeway Hospital for Children in Sri Lanka
Improved Productivity of Document Verification Process Using the Lean Sigma Method Novera Elisa Triana Abstract In the industrial era 4.0