Development and Performance Evaluation of a Mix-Kneader for Drying Soap Kigozi, J.*, Kisuule, N. and Tumutegyereize, P. Abstract Soap is

Volume 4 | Issue 3 : MAY - JUN 2023
Call for papers
Relationship between Sociodemographic Factors and Caregiver Burden Among Mothers of Elementary School Students with ADHD Symptoms in Surabaya: A Cross-sectional
Behavior and Psychological Analysis of Electric Bike Rider Turning Left to Cross the Street at Signal Intersections Xinyu Xie, Hai
The Conflict Between Pedestrians and Right-turning Vehicles at Signal Intersections from the Psychological Level Xinyue Ma, Hai Zou, and Yongqing
Geostatistical Modeling of Wind Speed Distribution in Uganda Using Ordinary Kriging Interpolation Technique Noah Kisuule1*, Mahmut Cetin2, Nicholas Kiggundu1, and
Management of Medical Rehabilitation in Stroke Infarction Patients at Type C Hospitals: Case Report Washobirin1, Nur Lailatun Ni’mah1, and Abdul
The Correlation Between Congenital Heart Disease and The Risk of ADHD in Children Nadira Putri Nastiti1, Abraham Dharmawan1, Afifur Rafi
Risk Factors of Stunting Among Children Under Five Years in Jombang, East Java Amirah Muhammad Abdullah1 & Abdul Haris Khoironi2
Secondary Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis In Typhoid Fever: Case Report I Gusti Lanang Rama Dwi Suputra* & I Dewa Putu Gede Wedha
The Effect of Administering Apis dorsata Forest Honey on Liver Histopathological Changes of Rats (Rattus norvegicus) Exposed to Physical Stress
Correlation of High Eosinophil Count Levels in Blood with Metastasis in Colorectal Carcinoma Yoga Anindita1, I Made Mulyawan2, I Ketut
Behavior and Psychological Analysis of Electric Bike Rider Going Straight to Cross the Street at Signal Intersections Xinyu Xie, Yingming
Research on the Conflict Between Pedestrians and Right-turning Vehicles at Signal Intersections Based on Psychological Level Xinyue Ma, Yingming Liu,
Correlation Between Preoperative Serum Albumin Levels And Post-Operating Seroma Incidence Of Modified Radical Mastectomy In Breast Cancer Patients Ngakan Agung
On The Nature of Tachyons and The Pioneer Anomaly Anthony Maccini Abstract One considers tachyon repulsive force f from intergalactic
Effectiveness of Broccoli (Brassica 0leracea Var. Italica) on Antioxidant Activity and Chemical Quality of Beef Meatballs Mutya Fadhilah1*, Franky M.S
Early Detection and Treatment of Metabolic Syndrome in a 14-Year-Old Teenage Girl with Turner Syndrome: A Longitudinal Case Study Katherine
Administration of Oral Gemitir Flower Extract (Tagetes erecta L) Increased The Number of Neovascularization, Fibroblasts Cell and Epithelization of Wound
The Administration of 15% Sensitive Plant (Mimosa pudica) Leaf Extract Cream Inhibited the Increasing of Tyrosinase Enzyme and the Amount
Hyperglycemia and Obesity as Risk Factors for Severe Covid-19 Komang Ida Widiayu Radiari Nugraha1, Ida Bagus Ngurah Rai1, I Gede
Distribution of Computerized Datasets To Fit Weibull, Log-Logistics and Gompertz Survival Models Bilkisu Muhammad Bello1, Farouq Ndamadu Musa2, and Ibrahim
Comparing the Performance of a Survival Models In a Computerized Dataset Farouq Ndamadu Musa1, Bilkisu Muhammad Bello2, and Ibrahim Aliyu
The Transformative Potential of Artificial Intelligence in Medical Billing: A Global Perspective Victor Kilanko Abstract This paper explores the transformative
The Opportunity of Timor’s Deer Captive in Supports Food Security H.T Pangestuti1, HP Nastiti1, Mariana Takandjandji2, and Franky M. S.
Application of Herbal Solutions on The Performance of Male Laying Chickens Sutan Y. F.G. Dillak, N. P. F. Suryatni, Luh
Correlation Between Hyperglycemia and Length of Stay in Severe Head Injury Patients at Prof. Dr. Igng Ngoerah Hospital Made Gede
High Serum S100B Protein Levels As A Predictor Of Cognitive Function Disorders In Moderate Traumatic Brain Injury Patients Ni Made
Glaucoma Drainage Device (GDD) Implantation in Post Trabeculectomy Patients Ida Ayu Prama Yanthi1*, I Gusti Ayu Ratna Suryaningrum2, Ni Kompyang
Ecosystem Service Concept as a Rationale for Urban Green Space Conservation- A Systematic Review Report Saubhagya SILWAL1*, Rebecca THOMAS2, and
Dynamic Protocol Blockchain for Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance Consensus Ali Asad Sarfraz1, Shiren Ye1*, Tianshu CheneyPen Zhao1, Muhammad Usama Raza2,